Traditional methods don’t work anymore
You don’t need to take high risk to get high returns. Specific fund selection is important and asset allocation alone is not sufficient.
FundPOWER method of accurately using proven Nobel Laureate principles of MPT works! We don’t predict. Our cloud based system dynamically optimizes risk and reward for your investments. FundPOWER empowers you with advanced know-how and information that Wall Street and fund companies have used for years.
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Make better-informed decisions
We are passionate about empowering the investor community. By making advanced methods used by Wall Street available to the average investor, our patent pending cloud-based software provides real time reports with actionable indications to investors. Know which funds to hold, when to buy, when to sell, and WHY.
We are not brokers or advisors, we are not affiliated with any fund company or brokerage and nor do we get any money or incentives from fund companies or brokers. We don’t hold your money or send orders to brokers. You take charge, you make the final decisions, and you buy/sell funds through your own broker as you normally would.
Objective, unbiased and independent.
Industry leading analytics at your fingertips
Cloud Based
No software to install. Cloud based software available online.
25,000+ funds analyzed over 15 years.
Real Time
On demand reports based on real time data from funds.
24 x 7
Access your account from any device, anytime, anywhere.
Data Driven
Risk-return optimized. No subjective inputs.
Industry leading mutual fund performance research used on Wall Street.
Built by industry veterans with over 30 years experience.
Our Results Prove It

DISCLAIMER: The above results are based on using FundPOWER reports at the end of each quarter, to select funds for investing in the following quarter. The back testing excludes trading commissions, assumes reinvestment of dividends, active management, and quarterly re-balancing of portfolio. Actual results can vary based on available mutual funds, market conditions and specific strategy chosen for investment. Even while the FundPOWER method is based on dynamically optimizing risk-reward balance and minimizing risk, and is not based on predictions, actual returns of investing in the market cannot be guaranteed. We are required by law to state that past returns are no guarantee of future performance.