
Investing Successfully with Mutual Funds, ETFs and Index Funds


Are you investing successfully? In today’s uncertain global markets, the old ideas of buying a fund or even a stock, for that matter, and selling it only after 10 or 20 years, don’t work anymore.

Just imagine your financial condition if you were to have bought Fidelity’s Magellan Fund, EXXON or GM in their heydays and had held on to them till today!

To be a successful investor, you need to buy and sell securities at appropriate times. We can’t “time the market” reliably. If we could, the market would make everyone millionaires! What we can do is to simply apply well proven concepts of MPT (Modern Portfolio Theory) and Efficient Frontier developed by Nobel Laureates to get the maximum amount of total returns for an acceptable level of risk.

To do this precisely, we must regularly watch the portfolio’s risk and return characteristics, maintain an optimized risk-return balance and get in and out of the funds when the balance is not suitable to us.

In the end, it all boils down to the correct know-how and information to make decisions based on the know-how. This is where eFundPOWER can help you.

FundPOWER is a web based interactive tool that shows you which funds to buy, which funds to sell, and when.

It is a powerful reporting tool to help you manage your own investments in mutual funds and ETFs, with high likelihood of getting desired returns from your investments, while simultaneously minimizing and knowing the risk you are taking.

  • The FundPOWER reports contain innovative performance measures of the balance between any fund’s potential return (reward) and potential risk (uncertainty of getting the reward).
  • These measures and indicators use the latest price and dividend data for mutual funds, as the data is crunched automatically daily, in a cloud based system.

FundPOWER also includes other services to minimize the time required for you to manage your own investments in mutual funds and ETFs.

You also get coaching and education to easily understand and apply the most advanced know-how of Wall Street that is not typically provided to Main-Street. Empowerment is an important weapon for individual, Do-it-Yourself investors who wish to manage their own investments, confidently.

The other weapon is FundPOWER’s accurate, objective and unbiased information, based on the most advanced, independent performance measurement and rating system available in the industry.

Investor Empowerment Inc., the company behind FundPOWER is an investment coaching, investor advocacy and education company. It is not an advisor, broker or fund company representative, so there is no conflict of interest.